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400M MP tokens, or 13.33% of the total token supply, will be airdropped to players based upon the amount of NFTs and tokens held in their account and the skill level of the MP gamer. Rather than have a specific airdrop date/time with a snapshot as is common, MP tokens will be airdropped to asset holders on a daily basis over a 1-year period. The goal is to encourage players to accumulate and hold Mortal Power assets over a longer period rather than having a big rush up until the snapshot followed by a dump shortly afterwards.
Each type of asset will be assigned a specific amount of "airdrop points" that it is worth. Then the total number of airdrop points will be added up across all assets in all accounts in the game and held externally once each day and ~1,100,000 MP tokens (400M / 365 days) will be divided by the total number of airdrop points to determine how many MP tokens each airdrop point is worth that day.
As an example, if there are a total of 5 billion airdrop points in total across all assets in the game on a particular day, then players will receive 0.00022 MP tokens (1.1M / 5B) for each airdrop point worth of assets they hold in their account at the time of the snapshot that day.
The base asset for determining airdrop points will be MP NFTs. MP NFTs will be valued by their rarity, which is equivalent to the DEC burn value of the card, and each point of collection power will be worth one airdrop point.
Please note that the airdrop points will be based on cards owned by each account, meaning that cards delegated to another account will count towards the card owner's account, not the account to which the card is delegated. Additionally, cards listed for sale on the market will also count as they are still owned by the player until they are sold.
The number of airdrop points each type of asset will be worth is detailed in the table below:
$MPT Token
Rare NFT
Common NFT